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A Lot of Hurts

I carry a lot of hurts
I’m yet to release
I don’t always know how to think
What to say
Or even how to feel
But my body responds
To the stimulus detected
Be they thoughts or word
Voiced or unspoken
There are hurts still lingering
From the past, I’ve been broken
But God’s grace is sufficient
To make me brand new
One day the pains will be erased
For heaven will be
My resting place

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Merging Lines

I keep thinking I just want to hold you,
but it’s more on the selfish side of wanting you to hold me. 
Being vulnerable and defenceless
is the most extreme form of sexiness and attractiveness,
some people call it ‘innocence’.
And though he couldn’t see her smile and biting her lips,
he could feel every word she uttered. 

I feel a cold chill go up my spine.
My mind is alert, the muscles on my legs constrict
and relax faster than normal,
so do the muscles on my heart. 
And she shakes her head desperately
in search of air which seems to now elude her.

And at that moment,
he attacks her with a passionate kiss
starting from her neck and moving up to her lips.
She  collapsed in his arms…helplessly but willingly. 

My brain is a blur of air,
shallow, trying to concentrate on breathing.
It’s moments like these
that just need to be cemented
with a gentle placing of a kiss on one’s forehead
to send the message “l adore you, profusely.”

He gently tilts her head upward
and lightly touches her forehead with his lips.
He stares into her eyes immediately after that
and says nothing,
allowing two souls connect and communicate with each other.

Oh how her eyes pleaded for him to do more,
but instead,
she turned shyly away
placing her hand on his chest beside the warm breath she emitted.

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6 Months of Love 19 Years Later

I have loved him and I love him
It hurts to know such entanglement exists
Stifling, unbearable, I cant breath
But I’d have it no other way.

Is this healthy?
Is it heavenly?
Is this good for me?

The weight is heavy, but I don’t want it to end
I am feeling
I am alive
Deep breaths will have to suffice.

This friendship
never lovers
never separated
A deep connection
I can’t explain it

I live for this feeling of life
I scream
even though I cry at the loss
I know it’s purpose is not lost

My heart is crying
not in anger or in sadness
but in joy and in gladness
19 years in the making.

What feelings will the future bring?

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Finally For Mom’s Heart

It's been over 4 years since the heart diagnosis
Many tests have been done
and almost as many times hospitalizations
But finally God has opened the door
The date has been set and plans are underway
and though we don't have the money yet
we believe September 24th is Mom's day.

Mom needs to get a percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) or angioplasty done on her heart. I've set up two crowdfunding accounts since the deadline (August 31) is quite near for the 80% of US$7,300 deposit = US$5,840. Please consider giving your support by praying, donating and sharing. Thank you.

2. (if you're in Japan)

Writings birthed by the challenges of the past 4 years