Posted in Poetry

An Attempt to Resolve

In an attempt to resolve
I’ve turned to pen and paper.
Why this labour-some route you wonder?
In so doing I hope to find favour.

Favour, not from the tumults of life
that inevitably will come
For that is, now, my experience
An overwhelming conundrum

Suppressing the urge to scream
Racing mind
Throbbing heart
This sojourn of life
Of which I want no part
But that’s the easy way out,
not quite my desire
But to focus on my goals in life
I aspire

Like clockwork however
The wrench in the wheel
When I’m on a roll over bumps
Then comes the broken zeal
“What would Jesus do?”
I Scream within

I’m reeling like a thread trying to escape its spool
Have I gone far enough?
Did I escape the rough cut?
Must we “Take five” again
Sit back and examine
the writer’s script against life
I can hardly imagine

But like clockwork
Life is called back to “Action”
The devastation still really happening
Inconclusive end to the scene
Making it a bigger deal than I really wish to feel
And then…

The call.